Looking After You
Lots of dads think their own feelings aren't as important as others – this isn’t true.

Postnatal depression isn't something only women experience, men experience this too. So it is important not to ignore your feelings.
It's hard to know what to expect when your baby is born.
No one will judge you when you decide to talk about your emotions.
It’s the best way to get support.
Things to try if you are feeling low:
Spend time with family and friends
Spend time with your baby, try some relaxing skin to skin
Take a walk
Exercise (outdoors or at home)
Eat well
Good sleep routines
Avoid unhealthy habits (alcohol & cigarettes)
Try relaxation techniques

Pregnancy and birth
Your midwife will talk you through what to expect. Make sure you attend antenatal appointments.
Things don’t always go as planned.
If you feel emotions you have not felt before such as anxiety or experience flashbacks, nightmares or question the birth, talk to your midwife, health visitor or GP