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Who we are

Small Steps Big Changes is a National Lottery-funded programme that is led by Nottingham CityCare Partnership CiC. It is delivered by our service partners:

  • The Toy Library for Bulwell
  • Framework for St Anns and Hyson Green & Arboretum
  • Home-Start for Aspley

An additional service (Health Inequalitiy and Innovation Fund (HIIF) Small Steps at Home), was made available as of 1st October 2023, this has beenn funded by the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB). The service is provided for families living within the Nottingham City boundaries (excluding the four SSBC wards, Aspley, Bulwell, St Ann's, Hyson Green and Arboretum). This service covers antenatal to the the child's first birthday. You may be contacted by The Toy Library, Framework or Home-Start depending on caseload.

These organisations may contact you directly to discuss the Family Mentor Service offer and to obtain your consent. They will record your child’s details on a secure system called SystmOne. They have a legal duty to keep information about you secure and confidential.

Why do we collect information about you?

To ensure we provide a high quality service and to measure the success of the SSBC Programme, we keep records about your child’s activity with the service.

The information we record includes:

  • Your child’s name, address, date of birth and emergency contact details.
  • Equality and diversity data (for example, ethnicity). We are legally obliged to collect this information so that we can ensure that we are providing our services fairly to people from all backgrounds.
  • Attendance at groups.
  • Visits undertaken as part of the Small Steps at Home programme.

Our legal basis to process your information is based on your consent.

At events, groups and the Small Steps at home programme you will be asked if you consent for staff to record details on the secure system, to receive information about SSBC, and for us to use your information to evaluate the success of the programme. As we are part of Nottingham CityCare, we also process data in line with relevant health and social care legislation or as part of contractual obligations.

Your rights

You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please speak to the staff member supporting you or call SSBC on 0115 8836741 or email us at [email protected].

Subject to some legal exceptions, you have the right:

  • to have any inaccuracies corrected.
  • to have your personal data erased.
  • to place a restriction on our processing of your data.
  • to object to processing.

To learn more about your rights, you can visit the ICO website, or contact the ICO:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113

How your records are used and shared

Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC) aims to help children:

  • learn to talk and communicate.
  • be confident, friendly and understand their emotions & behaviour.
  • enjoy eating well and keeping healthy.

As we are funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, and the ICB Health Inequalities and Innovartions Fund for the HIIF Small Steps at Home Service, we need to evidence our work with families and review information collected throughout the lifetime of the programme. Appendixes 1 & 2 below outline the information we send and receive.

Wherever possible, steps will be taken to ensure that you and your child(ren) cannot be identified as individuals. We will NOT sell your information or share it with any organisation for sales or marketing purposes. We may sometimes need to share information for legal purposes, for example, where a court orders us to do so, when there is serious risk of harm, or where the public good outweighs your rights to confidentiality.

How we keep your information confidential and secure

We hold information in paper records and in a secure computerised system called SystmOne.

  • SystmOne is used by many healthcare providers in England and Wales and is held on the NHS secure network. Only staff who require access have access to the system. Nottingham CityCare’s computer network and email systems are kept on the NHS secure network, N3, which is held within high security British Telecom provided facilities. The system and all records on it are also held on N3 which is ISO 27001 compliant. SystmOne keeps a log of who has accessed your record.
  • Paper records are physically locked in secure locations. All our staff are trained on how to manage confidential information. We password protect documents to make sure your information is kept confidential and secure.

Sources of information

We use information recorded on SystmOne to evidence our work with families. We also use information provided by you, for instance via evaluation or feedback forms.

How long will we keep your information

Records will be kept in line with Nottingham CityCare Partnership’s Records Management Policy and disposed of according to Nottingham CityCare Partnership’s Waste Management Policy. For more information, please see Nottingham CityCare Partnership’s privacy notice.

Your information will be held for the lifetime of the SSBC programme and for subsequent years afterward to support our evaluation.

You have the right to be forgotten – this means that you can request for your data to be deleted. Subject to some legal exceptions, we will keep a record of your request. Where you had provided consent to have your photo/video taken and have changed your mind, we will delete your photos/videos and again keep record of your request only. We will cease publication of further resources featuring your photo/video and will endeavour to recall copies, where possible.


Our website uses Google Analytics to track activity. While this is not something we can turn off, you can choose to opt out of Google Analytics.

Contact Details

If you have any questions, queries or complaints, or if you wish to exercise your personal data rights, you can contact Nottingham CityCare Partnership’s Data Protection Officer.

Responsibility for data protection compliance lies with the Accountable Officer and the Board, and is coordinated by the Senior Information Risk Owner.

Review Date - January 2025

This policy will also be reviewed, in addition to the review date, in the event of changes to legislation or processes.

Appendix 1: Information we share

The National Lottery Community Fund

As grant provider to Small Steps Big Changes the National Lottery Community Fund needs to see if the services offered have been effective.We send anonymous grouped information (this is not identifiable), e.g. 10 children in Bulwell attended a Cook and Play session.

A  Better Start sites
  • Bradford Trident
  • Lambeth Early Action Partnership (LEAP)
  • Blackpool Better Start
  • A Better Start Southend

Information is shared with other A Better Start sites so, as a whole, we know how best to positively impact families in the future.We send anonymous grouped information (this is not identifiable), e.g. 10 children in Bulwell attended a Cook and Play session.

ICB Health Inequalitites and Innovation Fund

As grant provider to Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC), for families receiving the HIF Small Steps at Home offer, the ICB Inequalities Board needs to see if the Small Steps at Home offer has been effective. We send non-identifiable aggregated data supporting the monitoring and evaluation.

Nottingham Trent University

As Small Steps Big Changes evaluation partner, Nottingham Trent University looks at data relating to children’s outcomes with a view to improve services and to evidence the impact of SSBC.Individual information is needed to evaluate the impact of SSBC on local children. This information is de-personalised (not identifiable to the individual).

Family Mentor Service providers
  • The Toy Library (Bulwell)
  • Framework (St Ann's and Hyson Green & Arboretum)
  • Home Start (Aspley)

Our service providers need to evaluate the success of their groups and services.We send anonymous grouped information (this is not identifiable), e.g. 10 children in Bulwell attended a Cook and Play session.

FRED (Fathers Reading Every Day)

The creators of FRED are required to know how many people have attended the programme and attendees’ ethnicity.We send anonymous grouped information (this is not identifiable), e.g. 7 fathers in St Anns attended FRED.

Nottingham City Council

To understand the impact of the Small Steps at Home service specifically, any child receiving visits will have their information shared with Nottingham City Council to allow us to receive School Attainment and Census information. Identifiable information is needed to ensure Nottingham City Council match the correct children to school records.

Dollywood Foundation

If you receive Dolly Parton Imagination Library books we register your details with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. This is an international programme.Identifiable information is needed to ensure you receive the books in the post.

Appendix 2: Information we receive

You may give consent at groups, events and home visits to have details recorded safely via a secure system, to be photographed, and to have information about SSBC sent to you. You also have the option to be included in evaluating the service.Identifiable information is needed to ensure we can access your record on SystmOne.

Family Mentor Service providers
  • The Toy Library (Bulwell)
  • Framework (St Ann's and Hyson Green & Arboretum)
  • Home-Start (Aspley)

We require information from these organisations to evaluate the success and impact of their services. Longterm, this data will tell us if children’s outcomes have improved.Service providers also have access to SystmOne, the secure record system used to record information related to services. This data is identifiable and is accessible only by a password and physical key.

Ideas Funds
  • Aspley Aspirations CIC
  • Belong
  • Berridge Primary & Nursery
  • Bulwell Arts Festival and Rainbow Strips
  • Bulwell Community Toy Library
  • Carrington Day Nursery Ltd
  • City Arts
  • Community Sports Trust
  • Diversify Education and Communities CIC
  • Education FC
  • Empowerment for Heya
  • Equation
  • Everyone Health
  • Evolve Nottingham CIC
  • Framework Housing Association
  • Freedom Foundation
  • Full Circle Partnership Ltd
  • Heart Preschool
  • Homestart Nottingham
  • Ignite Futures Ltd
  • Initiative Development for Community Care Charity UK
  • Karimia Association
  • Lily & Co (My Start Day Nursery)
  • Literacy Volunteers
  • Makers of Imaginary Worlds Ltd
  • National Literacy Trust - Resouce development
  • New Leaf Stop Smoking Service
  • Nonsuch
  • Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum Women's Group
  • Nottingham City Libraries
  • Nottingham CityCare Partnership
  • Nottingham Deaf Children
  • Nottingham Forest Community Trust
  • Nottingham Nursery School and Training Centre
  • Nottingham Play Forum
  • Nottingham Playhouse
  • Nottingham Preschool Partnership
  • Nottingham University Hospitals
  • Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust
  • Positively Empowered Kids CIC
  • Rainbow Stripes
  • Rebalancing the outer estates foundation
  • Robin Hood Primary School
  • Roots Out CIC
  • Sahara Mental Health
  • Shifting Your Mindset
  • Sisters of Noor
  • Southwold Primary School & Early Years Centre
  • St Ann's Orchard
  • Support ME Maternal Project CIC
  • The Renewal Trust
  • The Toy Library
  • The Yoruba Community Association Nottingham Nottinghamshire
  • Trent Compassion Trust (Vineyard Arches Trust)
  • Windmill Gardens

SSBC requires data from ideas Fund providers to evidence the success of the groups and services offered.Identifiable information is needed to ensure we can access your record on SystmOne.

Facebook/Facebook Analytics/X (formerly known as Twitter) /Instagram

Families and workforce often like and share the content we share on our social media pages.Information received on the public forum is dependant on your own privacy settings. As a Programme we are looking to ensure we reach a mix of people to ensure we provide our services fairly.Google AnalyticsThe SSBC website uses Google Analytics. We receive data pertaining to users’ activity on our website. This is not identifiable, e.g. 25 views on 22/05/18.

Dollywood Foundation

We are able to extract data of families who receive Dolly Parton Imagination Library books in order to ensure resources are allocated, to check addresses, and to evaluate the programme. Identifiable information is needed to deliver and evaluate the service.

Nottingham City Council

Nottingham City Council share School Census and Attainment information for children who have received Small Steps at Home. This is to inform our evaluation and to better understand the impact of the programme. Identifiable information is needed to ensure that the correct children are included within the evaluation.


The Hometalk provider, Nottingham Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust provide us with identifiable data to allow us to evidence the success of the service and is provided at aggregate level to the National Lottery Fund to identify reach and uptake of the offer.

Healthy Little Minds

The Healthy Little Minds provider, Nottingham City Council provide us with identifiable data to allow us to evidence the success of the service and is provided at aggregate level to the National Lottery Fund to identify reach and uptake of the offer.

Triple P

The Triple P Groups provider, Nottingham City Council provide us with identifiable data to allow us to evidence the success of the service.