The Paperwork
After the birth of your baby, there are a few tasks you'll need to do. From registering the birth of your baby, registering with a GP, applying for child benefits to health checks. Below you can find out more.
First things first
1. Register birth (within 42 days)
2. Register with the GP
3. Apply for child benefit
4. Arrange childcare/nursery places
Appointments to expect after the birth of your baby
These appointments will be arranged by telephone or post.
Healthcare professionals will arrange more visits with you if they need to. You are an important part of these appointments.
Postnatal midwifery appointments
Visits support with feeding, provide you with safety advice and monitor your baby’s weight.
Day 5 midwifery team visit
Your baby may be weighed and a small sample of blood will be taken from their foot.
For more information, visit and type ‘newborn blood spot test’ in the search bar.
Between 10 and 14 days old - New birth visit
Your specialist community public health nurse (health visitor) will give you important about how to keep your baby safe and healthy.
6 week GP check
Your baby and baby’s mother will see a GP.
The GP will:
- check the health of your baby
- discuss how your baby’s mother is healing and feeling emotionally after the birth
- tell you about your baby’s immunisations
- review contraception with your baby’s mother if required
6 week appointment
Your specialist community public health nurse will:
- check your baby’s growth
- give you information about your baby's development
- support you and your baby’s mother
8, 12 and 16 week immunisations
Your specialist community public health nurse and GP should speak to you about vaccinations and answer any questions you have.
The first vaccination should be given once your baby is 8 weeks old and can be booked by calling your GP practice.
Visit and type ‘NHS vaccinations and when to have them’ in the search bar.
This guide will give you the information needed to understand what to expect and how to keep your baby safe.
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