Makers of Imaginary Worlds
Outdoor Adventures - an exploration of nature, arts and wellbeing

A visual art/movement project allowing children to get involved. The workshops allow children to connect performing arts with the natural world. They will explore new sensory experiences, their creativity, relationships & local green spaces.
Artists will inspire and encourage creative play opportunities in indoor and outdoor settings.
In year three of funding, the project will move to create a practical resource for parents/practitioners who work with under 4’s.
This resource will offer:
• learning through new experiences
• exploring new foods & physical activity to builds strong bodies/minds
• instil a healthy sense of self
• a child-led approach to building confidence/resilience
Exploring the benefits of nature for imagination, creativity, and discovery. Research shows that children that engage in activities outside... are involved in more active play, have higher levels of physical activity and that this “contribute(s) significantly to children’s health”. Mackett/Paskins (2005)