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The Healthy Lifestyles Team

Babies and toddlers grow and change shape so fast – sometimes it can be difficult to spot when they are gaining weight a little too quickly. The Healthy Lifestyles Team is here to help. We work with families to set realistic goals that will benefit their child’s health. This includes:

  • Eating healthily
  • Staying active

Together we can:

  • Build your family’s healthy future
  • Inspire your child’s fitness for life
  • Choose your family’s healthy habits


We can only work with families who have a referral. Please speak to your GP or Health Visitor if you think we can support your family.

How can we help?

Simple changes can have the biggest impact on our health. Sometimes it can be challenging to see what these changes could be.

Together we can design a plan that works for you and your family.

We can offer advice about:

  • Sugar intake & cravings
  • Exercise & physical activity
  • Fussy eating & healthy recipes
  • Meal planning on a budget
  • Healthy snacks & rewards
  • Sleep, screen time & routines
  • Food labels
  • Using the Eat Well Guide

We work with you to choose the topics that your family will find most helpful.

How do we do it?

Getting healthy shouldn't be boring! Our “A Burst of Brilliance” ideas are fun things to try, like:

  • New recipes
  • Active games
  • Rewards

We can support families in lots of different ways. We offer:

  • Home meetings and phone calls
  • Group sessions
  • Virtual groups
  • Lots of helpful resources
  • Culturally-adapted guides to suit your family.

We work with you to create a plan that works for your family.

Who can use our service?

The Healthy Lifestyles Team is funded by SSBC. Our service is free for every family who:

  • Has a child under 4 years old, and
  • Lives in Nottingham City.

How to access our service

You will need a referral to use our service. To get a referral, you could:

You can also contact us to talk about how we can support your family. 

Get in touch with the Healthy Lifestyles Team

Get in touch with the Healthy Lifestyles Team

Our service hours are:
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm

Tel: 0115 883 4359

Support from NHS Healthier Families

Support from NHS Healthier Families

The NHS Healthier Families website has lots of helpful advice and practical tips, including recipes and activity ideas.

Other services

Other services

Find out about other services that can support your family to stay healthy.
