Language and Communication
Services and support to develop your child's language and communication.

Free Groups & Courses
SSBC offers a range of free groups and courses to support children with their speech & language development.

Story & Rhyme Time
Songs to sing, stories to share and lots of opportunities to learn through play. Staff will show you activities that you can try at home. learn how to support your child to develop important language and communication skills.

Big Little Moments
Babies and toddlers are growing and learning every day and the little moments you share make more of a difference than you think.

City Libraries
Have you joined your local library? Nottingham City Libraries run lots of reading and storytelling groups for children under 5.

Read On Nottingham
Activities to support your child’s reading, writing, speaking and listening skills - whether you’re at home or out and about.

Children's Centres
Children’s Centres offer support and activities for under 5’s and their families, they form part of the 0-19 services provided by Early Help Teams.

Speech, Language and Communication Pathway
Here you can find information, advice and contact details for resources and provisions in your local area if they are part of the Balanced System network and / or from across the UK.