
Meet SoJo & her friends
They will help your little ones with fun and educational activities to do at home.
SoJo is a Nottingham-based artist - we got to know her when she led activities at our local events. We love her child-led creativity and she's the perfect person to produce our video series for little ones.
Each episode in the series includes stories, songs, low-cost craft ideas, animations - and lots of puppets!
SSBC Episode 1
SoJo and her friends talk to the 'shoe of wisdom' to get some super fun craft ideas! Go get some pens and paper to draw along and create your own little piggies. Then stand up and get ready to jiggle & wiggle to 'incy wincy spider'.
SSBC Episode 2
It's time to magic teddy alive. Go grab your teddy and try it too! Then jump up and get ready for an extra special SSBC 'wheels on the bus' sing-along. The fun doesn't end there it's time for sock puppets and 'the tortoise and the hare'.
SSBC Episode 3
Sing to your flowers to help them to grow. SoJo's flower looks like something that belongs in a jungle. We know the best song for it too, 'Down in the Jungle'. Watch as she turns peddles and stones into Goldilocks and the three bears and listen to the story.
SSBC Episode 4
Turn things around your house into instruments. Do you have a big box or can you make a pretend boat using cushions or blankets? Then join in with a sing-along 'Row your Boat'. Next we'll make shadow puppets to use for the story, 'The 3 Billy Goats Gruff'.
SSBC Episode 5
SSBC turns 5! SoJo and her teddy friends have an extra special birthday planned for him, would you like to join in? Go get your teddies to join the fun. It's time to make party hats and sing a brand new birthday song!
SSBC Episode 6
Time for gifts. SSBC opens his magical colour changing party hat! SoJo heads over to the kitchen to make a tasty chocolate birthday cake but she doesn't have any eggs. Where will she find one? An elephant, a pig, a dog...
SSBC Episode 7
SoJo shows Alfonso her morning routine, a yawn, a stretch and then she brushes her teeth. Alfonso has never brushed his teeth before and he has pretty big teeth! Go get your toothbrushes and copy them as they 'tickle their teeth'.
SSBC Episode 8
Alfonso is back with his shiny clean teeth! As a special treat SoJo is going to write a story for him with some lovely pictures. 'Daddy, can I brush my teeth?' is a story about a little girl called Naomi, her dad, her baby brother and her pet fish Guppy.
SSBC Episode 9
There's a party in my tummy. Fruits and veggies sing and dance and tell you all about why they're good for you! SoJo wonders what are the best healthy snacks to eat on the go and give you energy for playing...Charlotte Chef gives the best advice.
SSBC Episode 10
A super fun and friendly animation to help the little ones understand face masks. SoJo and Poley talk face masks and coronavirus with their friends.
SSBC Episode 11
SoJo meets Bob's baby today. Did you know babies love to talk? Go get your teddy and she'll show you how to have a lovely chat. Then join in with the singalong with the actions too!
SSBC Episode 12
SoJo and her friends tell us all about starting nursery today. Let's explore a day there and see what fun we can have. Then let's Wind the Bobbin up together!
SSBC Episode 13
Join SoJo and her friends as they make funny sounds and copy each other. What will they see when they press the magic button today? Let's build a spaceship and visit the moon together. We can sing songs and find shapes in the stars.
SSBC Episode 14
What do you see when you help to find Little Bee's flower? Go and explore with SoJo and friends.
Let's explore our senses with the Big Rabbit. Sing along and explore with us today.
Thunk of the Day
Lulu age 4 - The Aliens
Lulu age 4 - The Aliens
Logan age 3 - Mummy, You're The Best
Logan age 3 - Mummy, You're The Best
Just Jake age 4 - The Sun And The Moon
Just Jake age 4 - The Sun And The Moon
Tristan-Raine age 5 - Then It Sprouts
Tristan-Raine age 5 - Then It Sprouts
Luca age 3 - Numbers
Luca age 3 - Numbers
Mimi age 3 - So so so
Mimi age 3 - So so so
Lucia age 4 - Balloon
Lucia age 4 - Balloon
Mia age 3 - Bug
Mia age 3 - Bug
Mr Snugglesworth and Jelly
Mr Snugglesworth and Jelly
Hide and seet
Hide and seet
Emily's favourite year
Emily's favourite year
Wow, look at the day, Moon
Wow, look at the day, Moon