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Early Intervention and Learning Conference

Early Intervention and Learning Conference

SSBC's Early Intervention and Learning Conference took place at Trent Vineyard on Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th September 2024.

Trying to pull together ten years of learning is no mean feat, but we hope that the conference met the delegates' expectations on what to expect.  

Our themes over the two days covered the following areas of our work:

  • Best Start for Speech, Language, and Communication:  Enhancing Life for Children
  • Rethinking Prevention and Early Intervention in Family Support
  • Reducing Public Health Inequalities in the Early Years
  • Harnessing the Power of Communities and Coproduction.

With a range of speakers from across the broad spectrum of the early years' environment the conference pulled together both national and local perspectives and learning. 

Speakers included:

  • Jean Gross, CBE
  • Sally Hogg
  • Professor Donna Hall, CBE
  • Along with a range of local service leads, researchers and evaluators and SSBC programme staff and partners.

To access more photos from the event, click on the text below:

Day One

Day Two