Project Overview
Healthy Lifestyles Pathway
Why is it needed in Nottingham?
Nottingham has many areas of severe deprivation. Children aged 5 and from the poorest income groups are twice as likely to be obese compared to children living in other areas. By age 11 they are three times as likely to be obese (Source: Public Health England, 2017).
2018/19 statistics from the National Child Measurement Programme show that obesity is increasing locally.
- 23.8% of children of Reception age are overweight and obese
- 38.7% in year 6 children are overweight and obese.
Children who are overweight and obese are more likely to experience bullying, stigmatisation and low self-esteem. With childhood obesity growing, we have seen an increase in the development of type 2 diabetes in childhood. Obese children are also far more likely to go on to become obese adults, with a higher risk of developing certain types of cancers and conditions such as heart disease.
Who is it for?
The Healthy Lifestyles Pathways provides targeted support for all children ages 0-4 and their families living in Nottingham City.
Families will need a referral to use the service. Referals can be made via:
- The Children’s Public Health 0-19 Nursing Team.
- A GP.
- An SSBC Family Mentor.
Find out more about accessing the Healthy Lifestyles Pathway.
How will we know if it has been successful?
As a result of the Healthy Lifestyles Pathway, we hope to see:
- Families graduating from the programme achieving their goals.
- Families sustaining changed behaviour (measured 6 months later).
The final evaluation of this service produced by the Royal Society for Public Health is now available, along with an executive summary of their findings.
Project Partners
The Healthy Lifestyles Pathway is co-delivered with the Children's Public Health 0-19 Nursing Service (Nottingham CityCare Partnership).
The Targeted Healthy Lifestyle Pilot will continue to provide evidence that:
- Weight management alone cannot sustain healthy lifestyle changes.
- Targeted early intervention, prevention strategies and working with families to promote goal setting will enable long-term behaviour change.