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Nutrition & Parent-Infant Relationships webinar
27 Feb

Nutrition & Parent-Infant Relationships webinar

Join us for insights from Healthy Lifestyles Pathway & parent infant relationships service Healthy Little Minds. 🧠

Feed Your Way at Nottingham University Hospitals
Feed Your Way at Nottingham University Hospitals

We've worked with NUH to install breastfeeding-positive posters at QMC and City Hospital.

Family Mentor Training gains accreditation at Level 2
Family Mentor Training gains accreditation at Level 2

SSBC aims to support the building of community capacity, and our Family Mentor Paid Peer Workforce is part of how we're doing this.

Infant Mental Health Week: Bonding before birth
Infant Mental Health Week: Bonding before birth

Infant Mental Health is something that we are working to increase awareness of as it is a concept that still isn't widely understood. We have moved away from the idea that babies are passive and towards the understanding that babies are active participants

Invitation to Tender:  Feed Your Way
Invitation to Tender:  Feed Your Way

We're looking for an evaluation partner to work with the Hitch Marketing team to support evaluation of our breastfeeding public health campaign - Feed Your Way

Invitation to Tender:  Independent Evaluation Partner
Invitation to Tender:  Independent Evaluation Partner

We're looking for an independent evaluation partner to work with us to evaluate two of our recently commissioned services.

Nottingham makes history with the first Race Health Inequality Summit
Nottingham makes history with the first Race Health Inequality Summit

Nottingham is home to rich and wonderful diversity but it also has some of the highest levels of deprivation in the country, with health inequalities felt by many communities, particularly minority ethnic communities.

A flexible approach to early speech and language interventions
A flexible approach to early speech and language interventions

Whilst we say goodbye to the current Project Lead for the Early Intervention Speech & Language team, we celebrate the teams huge achievements!

The April Healthy Little Minds newsletter has arrived
The April Healthy Little Minds newsletter has arrived

In this second edition of our newsletter, we are excited to share that we have expanded our service offer to cover all wards within the Nottingham City boundary! This means even more families are now able to benefit from our support.

Let’s Connect: Baby Massage
Let’s Connect: Baby Massage

Baby massage is a tradition in many cultures dating back for centuries, and over the last 15 years or so baby massage has become very popular in the UK. It’s a great way to bring new and positive experiences into a baby’s life, offering the opportunity for