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SSBC are proud to have hosted the second of a series of Shared Learning Events.

The webinar highlighted the learning from the SSBC commissioned Fathers  Consultation, undertaken by Coram Family and Childcare. 

  • During this ‘Listen and Learn’ event we also heard:
  • Mark Williams, a father and mental health advocate sharing his personal experience and his work to raise awareness (Fathers Reaching Out: Why Dad Matters)
  • How the Small Steps Big Changes partnership will respond to the findings

The event was  successful with attendees sharing great insights from their own experience of being a dad or their work with fathers both locally and nationally.

Insights from the virtual room

Insights from the virtual room

A finding from the Coram consultation was that fathers are not all the same and we are not able to categorise them. We asked the audience:

In your experience are there some groups of fathers whose needs are overlooked?