Feed Your Way is making Nottingham a breastfeeding-friendly city
Our new campaign is designed to support families to breastfeed their baby - from the first feed to the last.

What is Feed Your Way?
Feed Your Way is a breastfeeding public health campaign designed for Nottingham. It was co-created with thousands of Nottingham families and residents, health professionals and business owners.
In April 2022, we started asking local people about their thoughts about breastfeeding. The Big Nottingham Breastfeeding Survey, in April 2022, receieved an amazing 1,800 responses! We also held in-person focus groups.
This research showed us that breastfeeding families wanted:
- to feel empowered to feed their way – however they want, for as long as they want.
- to be able to have honest and open conversations about the realities of breastfeeding.
- to understand the challenges and have access to tailored support.
We also found that the friends and family members who are supporting breastfeeding women wanted:
- clear and easy ways to show their support.
- information on where to find evidence-based answers to their questions about breastfeeding.
The Feed Your Way campaign was designed with this research in mind. It empowers families to make and own their decision about how to feed their babies. It also shows breastfeeding as a realistic option for those who had not considered it before.
The families behind Feed Your Way
The campaign focuses on the real, lived experiences of six Nottinghamshire families. All of them had very different breastfeeding experiences and expectations.
Videos, photos, and interviews with the families show breastfeeding in realistic terms – they cover both the challenges and the positives. Although every story is unique, many families faced similar challenges.
The families are currently featured on billboards and banners across Nottingham City, including the City Council house in Old Market Square.

Your stories
Six breastfeeding families told us about some of the challenges they faced, and the special moments they shared. They also had advice – from things they wished they knew, to information they found along the way.
Find out how Becca, Eleanor, Robyn, Vanitha and Jessica are feeding their way.

Free breastfeeding support
Whether you are pregnant, currently breastfeeding, or you know someone who is thinking about their feeding options - there is support out there for you.

Download Feed Your Way resources
We’ve developed a range of resources to support breastfeeding, for:
- breastfeeding families
- friends and supporters
- the whole community.
“We know that many families are choosing to start breastfeeding when they have their baby, but a significant number are stopping before their child is 6-8 weeks old. The Feed Your Way campaign has spoken with lots of families to understand the challenges they have faced and offers support and advice based on real life experiences and how people live their lives.”
Lucy Hubber, Director of Public Health (Nottingham City Council)