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SSBC launched a breastfeeding public health campaign, Feed Your Way, in October 2022. Since then, we have been working with partners to promote the campaign in the local community.

Large versions of Feed Your Way posters have now been installed in the Maternity Units at Queens Medical Centre and City Hospital.

The posters, which are over a meter high, show the Feed Your Way parent case studies - Jessica, Vanitha, Robyn, Clare, Becca, and Eleanor - breastfeeding their children.

Dr Lisa Common (Consultant Midwife), Eliza Jones (Infant Feeding Lead) and Clair Piper (Infant Feeding Support Worker) arranged for the posters to be placed in busy locations - near lifts, in waiting rooms, and next to ward entrances - so that they will be seen by as many people as possible.

“We thought carefully about the best location for each Feed Your Way poster. We wanted to reach as many people as possible - expectant families, new mums, their partners, and their families. We spread the posters around various areas of the Maternity Units that matched different pregnancy stages - including the Antenatal Clinic, Labour Suite, Parent Education Room, and public spaces. We hoped they would be noticed at multiple points along the family's journey. Some posters were placed in waiting areas where families might have more time to scan the QR code, or in places where they may be waiting for short periods - waiting for a lift or for access to a ward.”

Clair Piper, Infant Feeding Support Worker

“Having the posters displayed (big and bold!) within the maternity space is a real joy. The aspect that really stands out for me is how “real” they are, both in terms of the families they are depicting and in the messages they convey. The posters acknowledge that breastfeeding is not always easy, but there’s a real connection shown between parents and their children. The pictures draw you in to look past breastfeeding as simply a method of feeding; you catch a glimpse of a real, working family and see how feeding forms part of those relationships.”

Eliza Jones, Infant Feeding Lead (NUH)

About Feed Your Way

About Feed Your Way

Feed Your Way is a breastfeeding public health campaign designed for Nottingham. It was co-created with thousands of Nottingham families and residents, health professionals and business owners.

Making Nottingham a breastfeeding-friendly city

Feed Your Way is supporting parents in Nottingham to breastfeed their babies - from the first feed to the last. 

Visit the Feed Your Way website