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Research tells us that brain development is dictated by the interactions between genetics and the environment. For babies, the environment is experienced through relationships with others, highlighting the unique importance of a responsive, sensitive, and nurturing relationship with their parent or caregiver.

The evidence consistently demonstrates, that having at least one positive and secure relationship with a caregiver supports healthy brain development, securing future positive outcomes. However, many new babies will experience complex relationship difficulties with their primary carers. It is estimated that at least 1 in 3 children in Nottingham City will experience attachment difficulties with their parent or caregiver; highlighting the need for a service locally to provide support for these families.

Science and policy have now united, making way for this specialised support to be offered to families. There are now over 40 parent-infant relationship teams nationally. Healthy Little Minds are dedicated to raising the profile of this important work both at a local and national level, contributing to the growing body of evidence and ensuring that parent-infant relationship support is embedded into systems. Furthermore, this initiative supports Nottingham City’s work toward becoming a UNICEF Child-Friendly City, by ensuring the best possible start for our children with Healthy Little Minds.

Healthy Little Minds

Healthy Little Minds

Adapting to life with a baby is a challenge for every parent. Sometimes things don’t happen as you thought they would. All babies are unique and individual just like their parents. Learning how they communicate will help to build a special relationship. The team will help to build strong relationships between parents and their new baby.