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In 2019, 32% of 4-year-olds in Nottingham started school without the communication, language and literacy skills they need to learn and progress.

Differences in language skills are clear by age 2 and have an impact by the time children start school.

During the SSBC Parent Consultation (2020), parents asked for more speech and language activities to do at home. They also said that they would benefit from greater awareness of children’s developmental milestones.

To address this need, SSBC has launched a partnership with the Nottinghamshire HealthCare NHS Foundation Trust, Early Intervention Speech and Language team.

The team have already kick started the work with SSBC partners, professionals and families across our wards. Introducing two evidence-based interventions, Home Talk and Elkan, for families to access.  

Home Talk is a nationally recognised evidence-based programme.

This includes six home visits with an experienced Home Talk Worker. They are guided and supervised by specialist early years Speech and Language Therapists.

During the visits, they share ideas and fun activities to encourage language development.

The visits are available to parents and children aged 2 (who can say up to 30 words) and 2 ½ (who can say up to 50 words).

The Early Intervention Speech and Language team will also be running courses and groups for parents/carers, developed by a national speech and language organisation called Elklan.

The Elklan packages include:

  • Let’s Talk with Under 5s - A seven-week course – complete with workbook & Level 1 qualification
  • Let’s Talk at Home - A six-week course for parents/carers and their child. Parent coaching sessions and weekly top tips.

“We are delighted to be working with Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust to develop and deliver a brand new service for families in SSBC wards. Having a good level of language development is crucial for children to get the best start in life and at school. Home Talk has already made such a positive difference to families. We are also working with parents to develop the Elklan workshops that will be available later in the year. Parents asked for more support and we hope the new services bridge the gap and address this need.”

Alison Poxon, Project Manager, SSBC

As a result of completing Home Talk or the Elklan package, we will see improved communication, Speech & Language in under 4’s.

Improvements will be monitored through the Early Years Foundation Stage measures.

To sign up or to find out more use the details below: 

T:  07788 386264 / 07813 365586

E: [email protected]