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Putting People in the Lead is central to the work we do here at SSBC, so much so it is part of our core local system change model.

Over the last three years, this work has been driven through our 'Community Voice, Community Connection' contract (delivered by Coram Family & Childcare) which ends on 30th June. 

‘I’d like to thank Coram Family and Childcare for their work and input over the last three years, they have brought new ideas and perspectives to the City through their national networks, have enhanced the partnerships understanding of the value co-production and most importantly have continued to support the parent champions and ambassadors through a challenging period during the pandemic.’
Karla Capstick, Programme Director - SSBC

Following a review of the parents and programme ambitions for co-production and sustainability, a new ‘Parent in the Lead’ specification and tender process took place.  We are pleased to announce that a partnership between The Toy Library and Services for Empowerment and Advocacy (SEA) was successful and together will be our new collaborative partners, taking the project to the next level from July 2022.  Supporting, developing and embedding our Parent Champion and Parent Ambassador roles across the Nottingham system and creating a sustainable model to ensure Nottingham has a strong legacy of co-production for the future.

‘The Toy Library and Services for Empowerment and Advocacy (SEA) were able to articulate an exciting vision for co-production and sustainability of parent voice in Nottingham, I’m really excited to see what they can achieve with the indomitable spirit of the parent champions and ambassadors!’
Karla Capstick, Programme Director - SSBC 

‘We are really pleased and excited to be awarded this contract. We look forward to working closely with the Parent Champions and our partner, Services for Empowerment and Advocacy, and taking the project forward. As services that support families across Nottingham are increasingly under threat, it really is time for Parents to take the Lead.’
Steven Parkinson, Service Director - The Toy Library

Considering volunteering? 

Do you want to make a difference to families in your area?

There’s no fixed time commitment. We provide all the materials, training and support that you need. For many of the activities, we can provide free crèche places for your little one.