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Sabrina & Manal's Story

I thought it would be good to be able to talk to someone who had been through the experience and would understand.

The groups were very good and well organised. There was lots of focus on development as well as having fun. 

My daughter loved Jiggle & Wiggle as she loves dancing. I got to meet other parents and meet people from the same background.    
I have an excellent relationship with my Family Mentor and feel really supported by her. She has given me so much knowledge and helped me so many times. She has empowered me to help my family. 

She has changed my life. I love being a mum but being at home all the time was making me feel bad and I felt I needed to do something for myself. Hanifa encouraged me to become a volunteer with the service and it really boosted my confidence. I enjoyed it so much that when they were recruiting more Family Mentors, I applied and was successful. I will soon be joining the team as a Family Mentor.

I’d recommended all parents get a Family Mentor. Especially families who are not from here. 

They are here to support you to do the best for your child. No parent knows everything, and each child is different so it’s always good to have someone to turn to for guidance.