Trauma Informed Practice

In 2021, there was agreement at the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) board that a trauma-informed strategy would be helpful in developing a shared understanding, language and trauma-informed framework across social care, health, police, fire and voluntary sectors. The hope for this strategy is to meaningfully engage and bring together organisations to journey towards becoming trauma-informed on all levels.
SSBC has provided a series of events that were designed for family and children’s workforce and supports the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Trauma-Informed Strategy.

Creating a Trauma Informed Workforce
This is the first in a series of events that have been designed for family and children’s workforce and supports the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Trauma Informed Strategy.
The conference brought together colleagues, researchers and partner agencies who support trauma adversity and trauma informed care. Speakers will explore the underlying causes of impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and how our own childhood experiences may affect how we support families.

Conversations that make a difference in Trauma Informed Practice
The second conference in the series brought together colleagues, researchers and partner agencies who support trauma informed care. Speakers explored relationship-focused and trauma-informed practice on the frontline
This Conference covered a brief history of trauma by Nick Austin, trauma informed strategy 2022 - 2025, and parent-infant relationships.

Transforming Services: using Trauma Informed Principles to change practice
The final SSBC trauma informed conference brought together colleagues, researchers and partner agencies who support trauma informed care. Speakers will explored relationship-focused and trauma-informed practice on the frontline.
Trauma Principles 7 to 9 were explored, looking at peer support and mutual self help, being culturally competent, inclusive and pathways to trauma specific care.