Trauma services and resources

UK Trauma Council
Resources to support individuals and organisations working to nurture and protect children and young people following trauma. You will find articles, animations, videos, guidance, handouts, presentations and more — all created by the UK’s leading childhood trauma experts.

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Nottingham
This Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2022-2025) sets out our shared vision, principles and priorities for action over the next three years to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities across Nottingham City.

TAKE ACTION Trauma -informed Action on ACES- Gloucestershire
As part of its Action on ACEs work, Gloucestershire County Council has produced a paper to summarise the different frameworks available. It was produced to inform discussions at the ACEs Panel and help provide answers to questions we are often asked about the journey organisations might take towards becoming trauma-informed. This website provides information about services being truma informed, ACES,

ACES- Online Training
Online Learning
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes.
Cost: Free. This course has been funded by the Home Office Early Intervention Fund.
Who is this course for?
Practitioners, professionals and volunteers who work with children, young people and their families.

The National Trauma Training Programme (NTTP)
The National Trauma Training Programme (NTTP) was formed in partnership with the Scottish Government with the ambition of a trauma informed and responsive workforce, that is capable of recognising where people are affected by trauma and adversity, that is able to respond in ways that prevent further harm and support recovery, and can address inequalities and improve life chances

Connected Baby
Connected baby is the vision of Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk. As a developmental psychologist and research scientist, she is fascinated by the many topics that make up the Science of Connection. She believes that everyone deserves to share in the discoveries that scientists are making about the importance of relationships. Connected baby brings that science to life.

"Trauma-informed practice
Create a school environment where every student feels safe and supported and staff understand how trauma affects behaviour and emotions."

Trauma-Informed Wales
An all-society Framework to support a coherent, consistent approach to developing and implementing trauma-informed practice across Wales, providing the best possible support to those who need it most.

Complex Trauma Resources
"This website's mission is to increase understanding of complex trauma:
what it is,
what it does to people, and
ways to reverse its effects on mind, body and spirit."

Beacon House
Beacon House is passionate about developing freely available resources so that knowledge about the repair of trauma and adversity is in the hands of those who need it. Please feel free to use our resources in your home or work setting.

"How childhood trauma affects child brain development. Find information about;
Brain Architecture, Serve & Return, Air Traffic Control, Stress, Overloaded, Tipping the Scales. Theres also training on Trauma and child brain development training."

"NSPCC Sharing The Brain Story Using Metophors to explain child development"
"This booklet sets out six tested metaphors we can use to explain early child development. These six metaphors have been found to help people
understand key concepts of child brain development and to be memorable over time and easy to repeat."

Training: All Our Health: Vulnerabilities and trauma-informed practice
"The NHS Learning Hub is a national digital platform providing easy access to a wide range of educational resources for health and care can be accessed here using your existing login. The bitesize session provides an overview of trauma informed practice including key evidence, data and signposting to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing.

"SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach"
This booklet provides information and guidance when implementing a trauma informed approach.

A good practice guide to support implementation of trauma-informed care in the perinatal period
This guide applies to all staff (clinical and non-clinical) working with perinatal women in maternity and mental health services, although it may be more pertinent to certain roles. All staff can play a part in ensuring women and their families feel safe and secure in the care setting. This guide is also for parents to help them understand what good trauma-informed practice might look like.

Orchard Mosaic Therapeutic Service aims to reduce the impact of abusive or traumatic experiences on CYP and families .

Trauma Informed training
This project is part of wider partnership work, led by the Violence Reduction Network, for LLR to become a trauma-informed area. The aim is for the organisations to become aware of the impact of childhood adversity and trauma and to develop their practice, to begin to work towards becoming trauma sensitive and informed.

"Public Health England No child left behind A public health informed approach to improving outcomes for vulnerable children"
"This report is intended for leaders and practitioners nationally, regionally and locally concerned with improving outcomes for children and young people. It aims to support directors of public health, working with their local partners, to inform coordinated approaches to reduce the number of children who are vulnerable to poor health and wellbeing and to take action to mitigate risks of poor outcomes. It will be of interest to integrated care systems in planning services which are preventive and
protective. Our aim is to promote an approach that considers both the adversities children experience and also factors likely to make children more vulnerable to poor outcomes."

NSPCC Learning two-part Podcast
Supporing new parents through adversity podcast part one and two.
How early intervention services can help give children the best start in life
The first 1001 days of a child’s life are crucial for their development and wellbeing. Having access to caring relationships and support networks can help a child’s brain develop in a healthy way.
New parents who experience adversity, such as domestic abuse, may need additional help to build these support networks for their child.
This two-part podcast episode looks at how early intervention services can support families through adversity. It focuses on For Baby’s Sake, a service which provides therapeutic and trauma-informed support to expectant parents who have experienced domestic abuse. You’ll hear from Ged Docherty, a Team Manager at For Baby’s Sake Blackpool, and Colin Smy, Development Manager at Blackpool Better Start.

Trauma and child brain development training
Understanding the science behind child brain development
Do you deliver services that support children and families?
We want to help you give every child the best start in life so that they can thrive, achieve their full potential and grow up in a supportive, nurturing environment.
Take part in our training programme with your colleagues to improve your understanding of child brain development, healthy brain growth and the impact of trauma.

Practice Development Unit
The unit aims to promote and facilitate collaborative learning among those who work with people experiencing multiple disadvantage1; promoting innovation and good working practices across Nottingham and neighbouring areas.

Nottingham Early Help Partnership
Nottingham Early Help Partnership, the right help at the right time
Our vision is for every child to enjoy their childhood in a warm and supportive environment, free from poverty and safe from harm; where every child grows up to achieve their full potential

Integrated Care Strategy 2023
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) has developed an Integrated Care Strategy to improve health and care outcomes and experiences for local people (2023 – 2027).
The Strategy has been developed for the whole population using the best available evidence and data, covering health and social care, and addressing the wider determinants of health and wellbeing. It builds on existing strategies including the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Trauma Informed Approach - Thinking Tool
This Thinking Tool can help you to:
Think about the way you work with children, young people and families who have experienced trauma
Explore the key principles of a Trauma Informed Approach
Identify any of your own preconceptions that may be influencing your practice